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Danke Schoen

Danke Schoen | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl

If you know anything about me by now is that I love Wayne Newton (don’t roll your eyes Sloane), and I love his iconic song, Danke Schoen. I love the very first lyrics:

Danke Schoen, darling Danke Schoen
Thank you for
All the love and pain.

I find these words incredibly real as they express gratitude for everything, the good and the bad. And perhaps it is my quirky mind and the way it makes connections, but the concept of acceptance of all, all good and bad is something greatly attributed to having deep faith, and the knowledge that this too shall pass. Nothing stays the same, we are in constant change, therefore enjoy every moment of the good, do not hold the good too tightly in your hand trying to keep it because it will just sift away like sand. And, because nothing stays the same, the bad shall pass, accept and learn from what has happened, allow the pain to make you wiser, more resilient, and certainly more compassionate.

Always have a “Danke Schoen” in your heart and on the tip of your tongue. Expressing deep gratitude is cathartic, it brings people together, and opens so many doors. I really believe that gratitude is a key that opens even the darkest places, just when you think you can’t go on, you begin to make a list of all your blessings and voilá, the light comes shining through.

There are times when the “Danke Schoen” doesn’t want to flow, perhaps you have been hurt, your trust compromised, you feel that people are ungrateful. That’s their burden to carry, not yours. Again, go back to your blessings and you will soon realize that the one holding the hot coal is them and not you.

I also link “Danke Schoen” to the Serenity Prayer, the pillar of all BuDhaGirl content. This prayer has been our constant companion since day one. It is stamped on our prayer beads, it lives on our AWB product pages, and is often included in my blogs. Let’s reflect on it together: “God give me the courage to change the things I can, to accept the things I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.” And God, Danke Schoen.