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Ana Amare
 Author & Immigration Rights Advocate

Ana Amare, Author and Immigration Rights Advocate
Why Ana
Ana Amare With Liz Chacon

Liz Chacon: "Ana is always helping others and is unstoppable! We became close 26 years ago when I moved to New York City; she was my first friend and always made me feel at home. She is my inspiration  and I am so honored to have her in my life!

When Ana learned of a young girl in Mexico who needed a lung transplant, she wrote a book and donated all the proceeds to the girl's family for her healthcare. What I love the most about Ana is that she is genuine. She is always there no matter what.

Just like BuDhaGirl, Anna empowers women to reach their full potential physically and spiritually. Ana left a very successful career at Goldman Sachs NY to work at Pro Mujer, which provides access to financial, health, and skilling opportunities to Latin American women. She works with the economically disadvantaged and advocates for mental health. I learned a lot about immigration issues from Ana; she showed me ways I can take action and help.

I'm a BuDhaGirl fan, so when I read the BuDhaHomage stories of empowered women, I immediately thought of Ana. I want people to know and understand Ana's continuous work."

Ana's Journey

About me...

I come from a big family, we are originally from Mexico. I was raised catholic from a very charitable family where we witnessed our parents helping others. We were taught at a very young age the value of serving others. These values have helped shape my life.  

I have a masters in social work and am currently finishing out my fellowship at The Mellinger Clinic. I have worked at Goldman Sachs, Pro Mujer International, Proyecto Dignidad, and The Parent Institute for Quality Education

Ana Amare with Family

Ana's fight for immigration rights...

I am a huge advocate for immigration reform and immigration rights. I have interned at Alliance for Multicultural Community Center and The St. James Family Life Center, I also help immigrants by sending clothes to the border. I want to build more awareness of the system. My end goal is to provide good mental health and emotional wellness for the Spanish-speaking immigration community.  

Tell us a bit about the organizations you've worked for...

Pro Mujer is an institution that empowers Latin American women to reach their full potential by providing access to financial and digital inclusion services, health, well being, and skilling opportunities. I served as The Chief Financial Officer for several years in New York.  

The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) engages, empowers, and transforms families by providing the knowledge and skills to partner with schools and communities to ensure their students reach their highest potential,  

What motivated you to write "Breathing Life"...

I heard the story of a family in Mexico.... Natalia had a lung disease that required a double lung transplant. The family needed to raise a million dollars, so I got involved with the campaign. I then decided to write her story "Breathing Life"  and self-publish the book so other's could be inspired by Natalia's strength. All profits from this book are donated to her cause. It's just an inspiring story about the power of family and the greatness of the union between human beings.  

Ana Amare, Author of Breathing Life, with Natalia

Your superpower...

I think that I'm a good listener. I have an ability to connect with other people.

Your greatest challenge....

Fighting the critical voices in my head.

Your hobbies... 

I like to read, write, take walks in nature, and do yoga. I am a very social person and love interacting with others. I am also a mother of two beautiful boys and love my family!

Your rituals.....  

Gratitude and mindfulness are so important. I really take the time to live in the moment and use all my senses in everything that I do. 

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