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Pamela Bingham, COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant)

Pamela Bingham, COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant) | BuDhaHomage by BuDhaGirl
Pamela's Journey

About me...

I was born in Atoka, Oklahoma. I'm a small-town county girl with 4 brothers and 1 sister. I have 3 children, 2 girls and a boy, and a grandmother of 9 children. My kids and siblings live close to 20 miles from me and are very close with each other.

Pamela Bingham with her family | BuDhaHomage by BuDhaGirl

I have an associate degree in applied science with certification/license of COTA (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant). I absolutely love being a therapist. My job allows me to assist patients through a difficult time in their life. I get to embrace their goals, and through their commitment and hard work, I can reach them.

Why Pamela

BuDhaGirl’s BuDhaHomage campaign was an idea given to us by none other than Muneerah Ramesh (Moon) back in October 2021.

Moon: “During my Master's rotation, Pamela had been my teacher and taught me everything I know about working with patients in the CCU (Critical Care Unit). I was thrown into Pamela's realm of life, and as chaotic as her work load was, she graciously took me under her wing as she has done with so many other students."

To make it even more interesting, we asked Moon to nominate that one woman that she pays homage to. Moon was honored to participate in the BuDhaGirl Homage program and nominated Pamela Bingham.

Muneerah Ramesh with Pamela Bingham | BuDhaHomage by BuDhaGirl

"Two years later, I returned to the same company, where Pamela was still working at, and she didn't even remember me.

That just speaks volumes about how much of herself she gave me when she taught me. She puts her all into who she teaches and never holds anything back regardless of who you are."

About Pamela

My superpower...

Is life itself. I think that I have a good life and that I’m where I want to be.

My greatest challenge...

Is checking myself. Just putting myself in the right position to do what I can do and what’s best for my patients.

How do I overcome that challenge...

I just want to try to go in every day and start fresh. You have to clear your own brain, mind and soul to be able to be there for your patients.

Part of therapy I enjoy the most...

Probably when I get to send them on down the line to Moon. It means they've graduated from me and they are continuing with their recovery.

One thing I would change in the medical system...

If the administration, the therapists, the nurses, the housekeepers... if everyone could step into the field of another person for a day and just see what they have to deal with, I think the medical system would benefit greatly. We all have our jobs to do and without one, it doesn’t work. We need each other.

My hobby...

I like to be outdoors gardening or go kayaking

Pamela Bingham Kayaking on a Lake | BuDhaHomage by BuDhaGirl

I believe ritual is important because...

It can be things that center us that make our life daily life meaningful.

If I had a magic wand, I would...

Own a thousand acres. I would have some cabins or huts out through it and a huge little lake. I would have my friends come, and let me calm them.
I would own a wellness retreat - I would want it to be small, and take care of somebody that really wanted to to center themselves.

Pamela Bingham with her grandchildren | BuDhaHomage by BuDhaGirl