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Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!

Model wearing mustard yellow fall dress holding gold platter with Gold, Silver, and Rose Gold All Weather Bangles | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl

We’ve now arrived at the time of year when Earth’s energy excitedly shifts from the bounty of summer transitioning quietly and majestically. Each year Fall is met with great emotion, the anticipation of the remainder of the year, embracing beautiful changes, yet a bit of sadness as we bid farewell to another year of Summer jewels.  

Autumn gives us dimension in color and perspective that no other season provides. A time to reflect. There’s a unique beauty of the Earth that can only be found in the Fall... I am smitten daily as Amber-hued leaves begin their colorful transition. The still crispness of the air encourages me to spend more time with our fertile Mother Nature now preparing her world to rest. 

The synchronized energy between Fall and the Earth’s harvest is miraculous.

This is the time of year I most enjoy preparing a fabulous meal, as Autumn produces wonderful funghi, rich grains and legumes, and mother nature provides us with immune boosting-foods like robust oranges, pomegranate, and grapes, preparing us for the next season.

I see this season as the perfect time to release, just as we witness the Fall Equinox bringing bountiful changes and opportunities for rest and reflection.

What does this time mean for you? For some, Fall creates a bit of anxiety, as it signifies the winding down of yet another year, causing us to realign with the goals we set at the beginning of the year. This can be a scary feeling, but it doesn’t have to be. Pause. Breathe. 

At BuDhaGirl, we see Fall as an opportunity to celebrate your harvest, both your accomplishments and your challenges. Just as the leaves change color every Fall, we too, are constantly evolving, leaving behind what no longer serves us. Spiritual growth should be measured and serve as guiding life lessons. 

 I’d like to share 3 ways to celebrate and manifest your harvest!

 Two women holding hands wearing BuDhaGirl Gold All Weather Bangles | BuDhaBrief by BuDhaGirl

1. Invest in yourself: What you sow, so shall you reap. I love this sentiment because no matter the situation, it always rings true. One must invest in the harvest, so why not make that investment in yourself? After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take this time to embrace much-needed change, taking a deeper look at yourself and the impact you’ve made this year. The equinoxes are the only time of year where the sun illuminates the northern and southern hemispheres equally. This time of year is best for maximizing your time and re-setting your intentions. Mend the broken promises you made to yourself and finish the year strong.

2. Get in touch with nature: The heat of the Summer has passed, clearing the path for you to bond with nature. The field of energy found in nature is unmatched and necessary. Healing and grounding can only be found in a natural habitat. Take a moment to express gratitude to Mother Nature, who sustains and provides for our lives in miraculous ways. Fall Equinox is the perfect time of year to catch the beauty of the majestic Northern Lights. Science has shown that the colors of Autumn have mood-enhancing benefits, triggering our Medial Orbitofrontal cortex with feelings of bliss, doing wonders for your mental and physical health.

3. Set your intentions for the year ahead. Who said you must wait until January to set your goals and intentions for the year? Don’t procrastinate! Get ahead of the curve and start now. Let’s get a clear picture of what lies ahead. Are your goals feasible? What are your timelines? There’s power in intention setting, and you can truly benefit from this focused form of meditation. Your BuDhaGirl All Weather Bangles will surely help you create a ritual of intention setting each day, leaving you with the Serenity Prayer as a guiding light. As you slide each of your bangle bracelets on, set your intentions with hope and gratitude. Let this be an exhilarating time, jolting you into carefully planning for a successful and intentional year ahead. Consider what you may not have accomplished this year and plan on how to prioritize it in the following year. Accountability and determination are the jewels to be gained on this journey, this is how your leaves and layers purposefully change this Fall. Focus on who you are and who you want to be. Then, Go. Be it.