An exquisite set of three bangles filled with tiny fragments of shell, delicate flecks of stone, and the soft, golden essence of sand itself...
Elements Kissed by Nature's Hand

The Harmony of Sand & Pearl
Sand and Pearl Bundles

Where Artistry and Nature’s Beauty Converge
Artisans have meticulously hand-filled each bangle, ensuring that every piece tells its own story. When the light catches them just right, you glimpse the shimmer of crushed shells, the muted warmth of eroded rock, and the soothing, sunlit hue of sand softened by centuries.
Inspired by the Beauty of Mother Earth
Earth Day Collection

A Talisman of Earth’s Eternal Rhythm
Three Sands AWB® are more than adornments; they are talismans of time, grounding you in the present while carrying the wisdom of the past. Their neutral, organic beauty makes them effortlessly wearable, a quiet luxury that speaks of reverence for nature and the enduring passage of time. They invite reflection, a moment to pause and listen—to the hush of the tides, the whisper of the wind, the heartbeat of the earth beneath your feet.